#Education, #English How can I speak fluent English in daily life? ➭ Speaking Fluently requires much practice. It requires continuous speaking practice. The best results come when you communicate verbally with October 24, 2019 Share
#Education, #Information I HAVE A DREAM "I Have a Dream" is a very eloquent speech by Martin Luther King Jr. It is a 17-minute public speech delivered on August 28, 1963, in wh October 24, 2019 Share
#Education, #English THE PARTS OF SPEECH (Poem) Every name is called a NOUN, As field and fountain, street and town In place of noun the PRONOUN stands As he and she can clap their hands The ADJECTIVE d October 24, 2019 Share
#Education, #History হজরত মুহাম্মদ (সঃ) এর শিক্ষা ও অবদান ★ হজরত মুহাম্মদ (সঃ) 570 খৃষ্টাব্দে আরব দেশের মক্কা শহরে জন্মগ্রহণ করেন ৷ তাঁর পিতার নাম আব্দুল্লা আর মাতার নাম আমিনা ৷ তিনি বড় হয়ে দেখলেন যে, সমা October 24, 2019 Share